Our Mission

To provide fun and freedom in a stimulating, challenging and safe environment, to develop selfconfidence, independence and sensory and motor skills;

Offer and give the necessary support and respite to parents and carers;

Promote the philosophy of adventure play and the need for its availability to all people.

Our Aims

TVAP CIO  aims to provide, through the provision of the Thames Valley ADventure Playground:

A unique range of adventurous, therapeutic and educational play activities in a safe, caring and stimulating environment. 

A stimulating environment where our beneficiaries can enjoy the facilities, feel happy, safe and secure, and gain the support, advice and respite they need.

An empathetic, person-centered, supportive and holistic approach.

Our Vision

Inspirational -Motivating children and adults with all types of disability to try new experiences

Nurturing - Helping children and adults to experience the therapeutic benefits of play

Supportive - Providing encouragement and emotional help

Person-centred - Putting the individual at the centre of all we do

Inclusive - We are highly inclusive, embrace all cultures and beliefs and have a strong sense of community

Respectful - We are respectful and empathetic towards our users, parents and carers

Egalitarian - We believe in the principle that all people are equal and deserve equal rights and opportunities