High 5 for TVAP - Our Regular Giving Scheme

Every donation to Thames Valley Adventure Playground, no matter how big or small will help build a future for both children and adults with all types of disability, and their families.
Regular donations help us to have a stable income. Knowing what funds we will have helps us to make plans and to know what the future will look like. This is why giving to TVAP on a regular basis really does help safeguard iour future.
Please support us by donating any amount of your choice each month or at whatever regular interval suits you, by standing order, and it will really help.
We need an army of supporters giving just a little bit regularly to make a huge difference. Please help is you can.
Your generous donations enable us to continue making a difference in the lives of many in the disabled community - THANK YOU!
You can set up a Standing Order via your own banking app using the bank details below.
By contacting your bank
Your bank will be able to help.
By using a Standing Order Form
Click here for a Helping Hands Standing Order Form, which you then return to us so we can forward to your bank.

Our Bank Detail:
Barclays Bank
Account Name: Thames Valley Adventure Playground Association
Account No. 63919676
Sort Code: 20-40-71